Schema Therapy Training Canada is now offering
The First English Schema Therapy
Certification Program In Canada!!!
Training dates: 6 days - February 20,21, 22, 27, 28, March 1, 2025.
Location: Virtual Training
8:00 am - 4:00 pm EST
40 CPA Continuing Education Credits
STTC-STICE Certification Program Curriculum
Day 1:
Schema Therapy Basics: history, stages of therapeutic process
Dyadic Work: Assessment Inventories
Education and Assessment
Core Needs
Schema Therapy Interventions
Dyadic work: Safe Place
Assessment Tools
Day 2:
Treatment Formulation and Case Conceptualization
Schema Mode Awareness and Tools
Mode Management
Dyadic work: Early Maladaptive Schema
Mode Management
Dyadic work: Diagnostic Imagery
Cultural, gender, sexual orientation sensitivity, Inclusion and Safety – a mode model
VCM and Limited Reparenting
Dyadic work: Connecting with the VCM
Day 3:
Therapeutic relationship
Dyadic work: Therapist’s Maladaptive Schemas and Modes
Healthy Adult Mode
Dyadic Work: Angry Child Mode
Schema Healing
Utilizing Cognitive Interventions for Change
Dyadic: Behavioural Pattern Breaking
Schema Healing
Utilizing Imagery for Change
Dyadic: Imagery Rescripting for VCM
Day 4:
Day 4:
Schema Healing
Empathic Confrontation
Critic Modes
Dyadic Work: Demanding and Punitive Inner Critic Mode
Mode Role Plays: Chairwork
Chair Dialogues
Dyadic : Chairwork with the Critic
Treating Axis 1 Disorders
Dyadic Work: Limited Reparenting with the Angry Child Mode
Treating Axis 2 Disorders
Wendy Behary: Cluster B (NPD)
Dyadic Work: Limited Reparenting for Maladaptive Coping Modes
Empathic Confrontation
Day 5:
Dr Joan Farrell: Cluster B (BPD)
Dyadic Work: BPD
Dyadic Work: Recognizing the Presence of the VCM
Dyadic Work: Education about Schema Modes
Dyadic Work: Recognizing the Mode Shifts of the Maladaptive Coping Modes
Day 6:
Cluster B and C
Dyadic work: Challenging the /Critic
Supporting and Strengthening the Healthy Adult Mode
ISST Certification
Dyadic Work: Shared Reflection
Self Reflection/Self Practice
Dyadic Work: Self Pracitce
Minimum Eligibility Requirements to be accepted into the Individual Certification Program:
Academically, you must hold at least a Masters degree in psychology, clinical social work, psychiatric nursing or a counseling area that leads to licensing; or a medical degree with psychiatric residency (or residency equivalent if it is defined differently in that country). If you belong to another group, such as CRPO, please include this information along with your academic qualifications when you submit your application. You must hold a license or certification for the independent practice of psychotherapy. You must be certified by a government body or professional organization which grants this.
You must be a member of the International Society of Schema Therapy in order to apply.
​Applications are sent to Frances Miller MSW, RSW at fmiller.schemacda@gmail.com.
Minimum Training Requirements to be Certified:
Schema Therapy Training Canada is offering Certification in Adult Individual Therapy at
both the Standard and Advanced levels. The ISST requirements for Certification for
both levels include 25 didactic hours of training, 15 hours of dyadic role playing.
For the Standard Level, 20 hours of supervision sessions (50-60 minutes each), which
may be done individually or in a group. Advanced Certification requires 40 supervision
sessions. Please note that group supervision hours are counted differently than
individual supervision hours.
Please go to schematherapysociety.org/Certification to view the Group to Individual Supervision Hours Calculator.
Self-therapy is strongly encouraged as part of case supervision, to a maximum of 3
hours of supervision time. Peer support is of course, highly recommended.
To complete the Standard level, a minimum of 2 different patients are required, with at
least 25 hours of therapy each—one patient with a personality disorder (or features of
that) and other patients who are appropriate for Schema Mode work. (These client
hours must be supervised and confirmed by your ST supervisor.)
For the Advanced level, you will need 4 different patients, with at least 25 hours of
therapy each. One will be a patient with a personality disorder (or PD features), and the
others will be those who are appropriate for Schema Mode work. You will need to
demonstrate competence with overcompensating and avoidant or surrendering modes.
(These client hours must be supervised and confirmed by your ST supervisor).
The minimum number of Cumulative Patient sessions of at least 45 minutes for the
Standard level is 80 sessions. For the Advanced level it is 160 sessions. Again, both
must be supervised and confirmed by your ST supervisor.
Supervision must take place over at least one year for both levels.
Standard Level Competency Rating: 1 session, with minimum average STCRS score of
4.0 on tape or video. STTCRS score of 4.0 for Case Conceptualization forms.
Advanced Level Competency Rating: 2 sessions with a minimum average STCRS score
of 4.5. STTCRS score of 4.5 for case Conceptualization forms.​
Please note: You have 3 years after completing the training program to meet the
Certification and apply for your first Certification level. If you achieve Standard
Certification within 3 years, you have an additional maximum of 2 years to
complete the further supervision and recorded session requirements needed for
the Advanced level, and to apply for the Advanced Certification.
Please go to schematherapysociety.org/certification to download a complete
description of the Certification training requirements. Click the Certification tab.
Then click on ISST requirements for those who started after 2021, Certification Forms, and Certification Process.
Certification is granted by the ISST upon submission of all requirements.
FEES: $1700.00 Canadian Dollars​
Before payment, please fill out the following forms and send them to Frances Miller MSW, RSW at fmiller.schemacda@gmail.com. Your application will be reviewed, and you may proceed to payment once you have been accepted into the group.
Please read the Checklist and SEND ALL OF THE DOCUMENTS IN ONE EMAIL
1,700 Canadian dollars
Schema Therapy Training Canada is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Schema Therapy Training Canada maintains responsibility for the program.